Get to know Perlis Medspa and wellness

Medical Spa near Evanston

What makes you unique?

Your body and beauty are totally unique to you. So your treatments should be as well.

This is why Perlis MedSpa and Wellness Center focuses on building unique plans to give you the highest quality care and wellness treatments to exceed your expectations. Our approach is what makes us totally unique. By using the best medical practices, traditional and natural therapies, and the latest in cosmetic procedures our patients feel and look beautiful.

How you feel is directly tied to how you look. So our plans are focused on building your beauty from the inside out.

Make your Natural beauty great again

When you look in the mirror, do you like the way you look?

Our providers are driven to help everyone love the way they look and feel.

A portrait of Dr. Perlis. Founder or Perlis MedSpa and Wellness Center in Highland Park.

Meet Cheryl Perlis M.D.

Perlis MedSpa and Wellness emphasize preventative care, natural medicine, patient education and achieving lifelong health—because how you feel is reflected in how you look.

Request an Appointment

Times have changed, and so have our techniques.

“I am not the same doctor I was 20 years ago—and I am proud of that. Over time, I have learned to be a better listener and have developed a deep understanding about how our bodies function, the mind-body connection, and how external factors impact our healing process.”

Cheryl Perlis M.D.

How it works

Your consultation will take a deep dive into your overall health and give us insight into your aesthetic goals. By factoring in both wellness and beauty we build an all-encompassing plan to address the root of your concerns.

The Consultation Process

Inside your beauty

To look and feel your best, you need tailored treatments.

We commit our lives to further developing holistic approaches for our patient’s health. By getting to know all about you, your treatment plan truly becomes completely unique to your concerns, goals, and life!

Our mission is to guide people on their journey to living their best life. Every provider keeps this mission in mind while prioritizing personal care and expert recommendations. With decades of experience in holistic, functional, and weight-loss medicine combined with advanced aesthetic techniques such as bio stimulators, threads, and light therapy treatment plans are designed to exceed every goal.

Give us a ring!

At Perlis MedSpa and Wellness Center, we’re happy to help all of our patients as a trusted medical spa near Evanston.

To feel better, and love the way you look, start with a conversation. Get in touch with our specialists to schedule your consultation, and get ready for results!

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